donderdag 7 mei 2009

Peter Clements From LA PORTE, Indiana USA

Peter Clements From LA PORTE, Indiana USA is a great guy. I met him a few years ago on the internet. Peter is (was) the guitarplayer in the heavy metal hard rock band Skullview. We talk sometimes 3 times a week but also 1 time in a month. When we talk together, it's always very pleasant.
Last week I got this mail from Peter.

Henk, it's Peter!
Can you send me your address. I want to send you a cd I just pressed on my new label! Thanks brother

A new label?? Peter?? Address?? Yes of course!!!

I sent him my address and was waiting for what's coming up
First I got this mail from Indiana USA

Thanks Henk! As soon as I get a chance I'll throw a copy in the mail for you to checkout. I'm really excited about putting out these cd. I know I will be losing money on it but I really don't care anymore. Music is a way of life for me & hopefully someday I can get my own recordings out to the millions, haha!!!


Today the postman was ringing at the front door and gave me a big envelope
When I opened it I saw a letter and 2 cd's.
A demo cd of the new band of Peter called Yellowtooth
And there was also an album of the band ''Catapult The Smoke''
The cd is called Unearthed and is the first one on the new label Orchestrated Misery Recordings.
We have to do 2 sorts of things!!!!
Peter, Congratulations with this result!!
The band is great, the sound is great, the album is amazing and this is an awesome ''piece of cake''
And of course we have to buy this crazy stuff immediatelly in the record store or from ''the net''.
Collect all the next albums, for this is ''the misery001''
Peter, I think you did a great job!!!!

When you like the band ''Spiritual Beggars'', you will like this better for IT'S Better!!!

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